
Wanaque Valley Regional Sewerage Authority


Wanaque, NJ

Completion Date







Construction Management, Environmental Sciences, Structural Engineering, Survey, Water / Wastewater / Stormwater

Boswell secured $8.5M of NJIB funding and provided engineering and inspection Services for the Wanaque Valley Regional Sewerage Authority (WVRSA) project.

The project included designing capital improvements at WVRSA facilities, installing a 130 kW gas generator at the Haskell Pumping Station, installing a 1000 kW diesel generator at the wastewater treatment facility, installing mechanical aerators and drives for the oxidation ditch process system, upgrading three influent pumps and drives to 40 HP, and installing a rotary drum sludge thickener system, non-potable water pumps, dilution water pumps and drives, mixers on sludge holding tanks, and upgrading the discharge channel ultraviolet disinfection system. Permits acquired included a Treatment Works Approval Permit, Air Permit, and Highlands Exemption. Additional services included construction inspection and administration. To secure a loan, the Authority had to create an Asset Management Plan for the current Operation and Maintenance Manual. Boswell developed the Plan following NJDEP’s guidelines, aiming to manage, operate, and maintain the wastewater treatment plant and Haskell pumping station. Boswell inventoried all equipment, assessed the remaining useful life and likelihood of failure, and devised a five-year capital improvement plan to help secure funds for necessary upgrades.